Monday, August 25, 2008

I Proved Him Right!

This evening while I was driving the kids home from swimming/gymnastics, James made the comment that he thinks technology makes us "dumber." His point being that we use so much technology that we don't have to use our brains like previous generations of people had to. I argued with him, though I did not have a good rebuttal. A few minutes ago, I was helping him with his algebra. I had no idea how to figure out the problem he was on, and none of the examples jogged my memory. In a very sweet voice, he said, "This is what I meant earlier when I said we are getting dumber. If you didn't have a computer to help you do all of this, I bet you would remember from when you were in school - no offense mom." I don't think he realized what he was saying until it had already left his mouth. Kind of funny! He caught me between a rock and a hard place because what I wanted to say is that I would never use that math even if there wasn't technology because, practically, it is unnecessary, but I don't want to say that and give him an argument for not liking math! I guess on some level he realizes it's not real practical because some where along the line he said, " . . . like when you do your taxes and stuff." I hope I am not making him seem sassy because he was really being sweet and just matter of fact in the conversation, not at all mouthy!

I don't know if James is right or not, but I definitely don't get an intelligence boost when I am helping the boys with math, either one of them, and Jason is only in 5th grade. And the thing is, I liked math and did well in it when I was in school. UGHH!!! How will I help them through high school, and how little will I remember when Sarah is going through all of this???


BIll Moseley said...

Check out "Everything Bad is Good for You" by Steven Johnson. It answers this question very well. ;-) You can borrow my copy if you want.

Courtney said...

:) i tend to agree with james, yet, i totally agree with you on the math thing (even though I LOVED math growing up and was good at it). I know I will struggle helping them out, and I dread that battle already. You don't need most of it for every day living...especially once you are in the HS levels :) Oh well...

Kipplyn said...

Funny! You just need the teacher's guide like I have! :-) Even just this morning JD said "Mom, could you get the teacher book out" hee hee!

Marci said...

That's funny and somewhat true I guess. I think "some" technology makes us dumber- - -like TV, video games etc, but others are quite useful- - like the computer.

It also depends "how" we use the technology- - -for entertainment or for practical or educational purposes.

I think it is great that James is thinking this way!! Good for him- - -you should be proud of him.

Dalene said...

I love that kid.