Thursday, August 21, 2008

How Cool is Facebook!

Several months ago, our great friends, Jeff and Courtney, got us signed up with Facebook. Some of our younger friends laughed at us after we joined because we are not using it for the intended purpose. I guess it wasn't so much set up to find long lost friends as it was to see what is going on and when and where the next event is, but I love it for the purpose that I use it. I love it when I find people I haven't heard from in a long time.

Yesterday I located a friend from high school, who I had not had contact with in probably 16 years - she's a little younger than I am, so I mentioned to her that it was half of her lifetime ago. The last time I saw her, she visited me at college my Freshman year. Years ago, finding people like her was unheard of, and yet we connected yesterday and got caught up on each other's lives. I heard about how God has been working in her and shared about how He has been working in me. We have both had a significant amount of heartache in the past 16 years and some amazing joys as well! I love the internet, and I love Facebook! Just wanted to share this fun little connection in my life that makes me smile!

If you happen to read this, Jenn, I'm praying for you, and I am so excited to have connected!!


Dalene said...

I totally agree. I'm sure that my students at school are completely confused by my addiction to Facebook, but the plain fact is that I have connected with a PLETHORA of long-lost buddies! It is a great networking tool!

Aubrey said...

I ditto Dalene. I have connected too with friends I wouldn't have otherwise kept in touch with or have ever heard from again.

Annette said...

I didn't even know the inteneded use of Facebook until reading your blog! I'm so out of "it". It's fun reconnecting with everyone.

Courtney said...

yeah! go facebook! :)