Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of School

Here are a few pictures of our first day of school, which went very well. The first two are taken at home before they left for the day.

This was in his classroom at his desk. It was hard to believe David was going to kindergarten. He really liked it. My favorite part of the day was picking him up. I asked him how it was, he said, "It was awesome! But I missed you mom!" It made my day. I couldn't have asked him to say anything more perfect.
Sarah missed him terribly. She kind of just moped around the house. At one point I asked if there was anything I could do for her, she said, "Go pick up David." It was sweet and sad. She did better today.


Dalene said...

I can't believe that your David is in Kindergarten!!!

Such handsome BOYS!!!

Courtney said...

Hey, Dalene said what I was going to say, almost to the exclamation marks!!!! :)

I can't believe it...and he looks so big! (and handsome)

Rick and Kylee said...

I like the one of David by himself in front of the bush--he looks like a jr high dance picture.

rachel white said...

so precious!!