Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Got FIRED!!!

I've never been fired before - I guess there is always a first! But I didn't expect my first experience of being fired to be done by my own son, or by a five year old!!!! I didn't even know a five year old knew the concept of being fired, but yes, he used it appropriately. We were driving along in the car - that seems to be a popular place for him to get a smart mouth these days. That, in itself, is quite intelligent, as I cannot reach him in our huge van!!! I told him no about something. At the moment I cannot remember what it was. After a couple minutes - probably more like 30 seconds - he calmly said, "Mom, you're fired!" I never know if I should try to control my laughter or just let it out. Truthfully, he would be lost if I truly was fired. Of course, I tried to explain this to him, but he does NOT understand that part. He does not understand that he would not have someone to pour him juice or do his laundry or cook his dinner or lunch or any of the other MILLION things I do for him each day. He also does not understand how, on some level, being fired (for a day or two anyway) is appealing on some level (and even more so on a week when his dad is out of town)!!! Some day I will enjoy sharing all these crazy stories with him. Parenting note to self: If I am trying to raise him to be a respectable adult, he needs to learn that the can't just fire someone because he does not get his way, and maybe more importantly, that he cannot fire his boss!!!


Kipplyn said...

hee hee! what a cutie! can't help but laugh at that one! ps. can i be fired for a day or two?

Christy said...

yes, if kids only knew. don't tempt us mommies with that option. (:

no, really, not fired... just a little vacation with pay, that would be nice.

cute though. i can relate to the feeling though. i'm not very happy when i don't get my own way. especially lately. i guess it's the sleep deprivation. i don't know.

Courtney said...

wow...very funny boy that david! oh if only i could be temporarily fired :) that would be fantastic...but only temporarily, like what christy said! ;)

rachel white said...

he's such a ham! i love hearing these cute stories! glad you are getting to go back home for a while. wish i could go to!

and hope you all have a LOVELY time at pinecove!! enjoy the rest!

Dalene said...

That's funny! There was this mom in Wichita who went "on strike" and camped out in her front yard for a few days. Apparently, her family got the point when they realized all she was doing when she wasn't there to do it! Things fell apart. I'm not sure my family would ever have sense enough to fire me (I probably deserve it sometimes), but I HAVE gone on strike many times. Unfortunately, guess who picks up the pieces? Ha Ha. That boy of yours is funny. So...I want to know..did you laugh or scold?

rachel white said...

have you heard anything from kylie or karen yet?

i've been thinking about her all day and yesterday. : )

Courtney said...

Kylie had Cal this morning at 3am healthy and a cutie. Long labor, but everyone is well! 7 pounds 5 ounces

Marci said...

That's great! I love kids- - -they make me laugh- - -and CRY! I like the idea of vacation time rather than being fired!

Rick and Kylee said...

I tried to fire you very early on but I'm glad that brent didn't let me...aaahhh brothers in law are great.

Courtney said...

HEy thanks so much for my message. It meant a lot and thanks for praying, and if you think of it please continue. Hope you are getting rest yourself! :)

Courtney said...

HEy thanks so much for my message. It meant a lot and thanks for praying, and if you think of it please continue. Hope you are getting rest yourself! :)

Laura said...

This makes me smile!! I probably get fired a million times a year!! Perhaps he is a future Donald Trump! Thanks for sharing your story! Your an amazing I am sending a mommy hug via email!!!

Courtney said...

hope you are feeling well/better. sorry we keep playing phone tag. call me again and i will try you. rae is sick....ugh!

Dalene said...

I just thought I would leave a comment so that you could have an amazing # of comments...14. I think that is a record

Dalene said...


Marci said...


becky said...

Haha! I LOVE it! Man, I miss you guys... Bville wasn't the same without you. :(

Here's a hug...