Sunday, April 20, 2008

What a Nice Weekend!!!

I'm just sitting down after having cleaned a flat of strawberries, which I bought on the side of the road during our drive to the beach yesterday! I love strawberries! I have some in the freezer and some in these new "green bags" my mother told me about that are supposed to help fruit last longer, and a few I am eating!! They are delicious!!!

The boys are all in bed, but Sarah is lying beside me. She is usually out so fast, but she can't seem to settle down tonight. Brent is gone for a few days to the National New Church Conference in Florida. I am praying that it is an encouraging and refreshing time for him.

We enjoyed our weekend so much. We haven't had so much down time since before we launched the church, and it was very much needed. On Friday night we met some friends at the park for a picnic and let the kids play until after dark. It was nice. The weather was pretty. These are pics of the kids from the playground. The older boys spent most of their time on scooters, but the little ones enjoyed the playground.

Boys never cease to amaze me with their play. These contraptions are spinning things that if you stand up and pull yourself into the pole, you spin faster, but if you lean back, you slow down. David, Mason and Hayden decided to turn it into a knock down game. One of them would hold hold onto the handles. Another would start it spinning, then the one who was holding on would knock down the other two while spinning in circles. They were laughing and laughing. Kari and I just sat back and laughed, waiting for the laughter to turn to tears. Amazingly enough, it never did!!!

On Saturday, we went to Sycamore Beach in Ventura to meet with other church planters from Christian Associates. I have not even seen any of them since we made the move. It was a cloudy day and was quite cold outside, especially because of the wind. In the end, we left and went to a friend's house. But it was a very nice day! We just relaxed and enjoyed visiting with everyone and hearing where they all are in their ministries. All the families came and the kids all enjoyed playing with each other.

I never actually felt the water, but it is the Pacific Ocean - not really known for it's warm water. And, on top of that, the air was cool too, cold some of the time. But that did not stop the boys from getting in the water. They enjoyed chasing and running from waves. Steve and Linda's daughter is James' age, and the boys got along with her very well. Last July when we were near this same beach, just about a mile down, we saw a lot of dolphins, swimming very near shore. Apparently, this is a popular location for them because we saw a bunch again yesterday. I was even able to see two of them jump completely out of the water. It was gorgeous!

Here are a bunch of the kids on the trampoline together at the home that we ended up at. It is the coolest place. This family, who currently lives in Amsterdam on the mission field, bought this home with quite a bit of land and this old beautiful home. They have a huge barn that is used for parties and receptions. They rent it out for weddings. While they are away, they are renting it to some friends, who were so gracious to allow us to come over last minute and hang out. They even made us some delicious chocolate chip cookies. They are people with amazing gifts of hospitality. Brent and I had been there a couple years ago when we went through assessment with Christian Associates. It was much warmer here than at the beach!

I'm thankful for the relaxing day we had and for the people we were able to share the time with. Christian Associates is just full of fabulous men and women who are trying to make such an impact on the Kingdom! I'm honored to be a part of what they are doing!


Courtney said...

So glad you guys got that time! I am sorry Brent is out of town for a few days, but maybe (hopefully) he'll win something cool again to help out financially for Kaleo/or your family :)

The kids are getting big! Looks like fun. Missing you guys!

Dalene said...

Hey...the BEACH!! I'm feeling land-locked.... OH well...I guess there is always Birch Lake. Ha ha. Glad you had a refreshing weekend!

Kipplyn said...

It is always fun to see pics of the kids! Those beach pics remind me of our times recently too! I bet when you say "cold" you don't really mean "Oklahoma cold" right?!! :-) California cold is a bit different, I suspect! :-) Planning a trip home any time soon?

Becky said...

Yes, definitely California cold!!! And obviously only cold to the adults - look at my boys - wet and with no shirts!!!! We will be home mid-June - don't have a definite date yet, but some time around the 14th. We leave on the 22nd for Pine Cove. Can't wait to see everyone!

Vickie said...

its been a while since i've been able to sit down and catch up with friends, but as I was reading your posts today from this last week, I was so encouraged. Dan and I pray for you guys regularly, but this last week you have been on my mind more than usual, which I took as a signal from God to pray more. Then, today, to read what was going I am so glad you guys are safe and had a good weekend!

we love you

Becky said...

Thanks, Vickie! It's so comforting to know that God prompted you to pray more last week, AND that you did! It means so much! Thanks for telling me! Love you too!

khowze said...

That's great that you had such a good weekend with your kids. I know sometimes that simple time spent with them can be so refreshing.

Hannah E. said...

Great pics. Looks like it was nice and relaxing!

I'm just getting caught up on reading blogs too, and I just read about the truck incident. That just stinks. Satan really is working overtime. I'm so sorry to hear it. But I'll be praying all the more! I really appreciate you sharing these things, as it keeps me more connected with how to specifically pray for y'all and serves as a good reminder for us to engage with you, through prayer, in these spiritual battles against what satan is trying to mess up.

Unknown said...

seriously, girl, looks like you've all had a great, much-needed time. That makes me smile. YAY!!!!!!!