I am SOOOOO ready for school to end! I love the lack of schedule that we have to have when we are on summer break. I love waking up late and staying up late! I love not having to go to school functions! I love not having homework!!! I'm thankful that there is school to force me to be on a schedule and help the children with important disciplines that they need, but I'm glad we have three months off from the schedule!!!
This week has been incredibly busy. James school is having a book fair and Jason's school is having open house, which is a BIG deal, at least this year, as it is the first year for this school to be open. I have gotten myself very busy helping with parent club things, which is fun but exhausting also. So I have been working to sell raffle tickets and prepare for the raffle we will be having at Jason's open house in the morning, and going to James school to sell books in the afternoon. David and Sarah have been placed on the back burner this week, which is okay every now and then, but still hard for them. Brent has been able to be home working while they have been napping so I could go to the schools. I love it that my kids want me around and in their classes and I figure I should enjoy that. Some moms are not as blessed in this way! And it is a great opportunity for me to see the environment that they spend much of their day in and to see them around their peers. They make me very proud! They both have nice friends and a good group of them, and they are both living out their faith in a place that can be very difficult, especially James! It's been a huge transition for them, but they have done very, very well!!!
All of this busyness in my life is my reason for not blogging lately. I wll get back in the swing of things soon, but right now this is what is important, and the fact that I am tired at night but still need to cook dinner, clean a house and complete casework doesn't make for much blogging! However, after the last three comments on my previous post, I thought I better get something on here! It did make me laugh!! Thanks Dalene and Marci! I miss you guys - all of my Oklahoma friends! Can't wait to see you in June! Another great reason why I like for school to be out!
I too have been wondering about you. May is always so busy! We are busy looking for a house. Glad you are doing well. Hope to see you in June!
glad you are back...:)
I whole-heartedly agree.... Summer is (imagine a Nacho Libre accent)"de beest."
We STILL need to talk about getting the boys together. If you have time this weekend, let's have a "real" conversation via telephone. Call me if you can.
oh, and BTW
When are you coming in June??? We are going to be out of town most of June through June 20 and I will HATE it if we miss you! Camryn will be very sad too!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
I can't imagine Zoe being in school & yet, it's not too far off! However, I AM looking forward to summer!! I love the laid-back, free style & lots of memories. :)
No break for me this summer. I'm getting the kids ready for ACS. They will both be going. So, I guess I'll join the "real" rat race when I have to be somewhere at 8 every morning. UGH!!!!!
Love you!
wish you were here to go to lunch and go-carting with me this afternoon! :) miss you
June 28.....!!!
I was just telling David's mom that although we are called to the public schools, I have a home schooler's heart. I LOVE my children being home (for so many reasons). But we are all very much enjoying the slow pace and the relaxation that comes with summer. It is such a great time to re-connect!
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