So yesterday David got in trouble - can you believe it???!!! He had been told he could not get on the Wii and was found sneaking on to it twice! Yes, twice! And it's in the living room, not in some hidden location, but obviously he thought he could be inconspicuous. So, after the second time, it was time for a spanking. I sent him to his room and went to talk to Brent. We called David into the office and were talking to him before the spanking. He was teary and looked up at Brent and said, "But, I just a four year old!"
I had to hold back the laughter. At the same time, I thought, "That's exactly what went through my mind when you were SNEAKING!!!" How could it start so early?
By the way, we were both giggling, but he did still get the spanking!
It's amazing what they come up with... and that they think they can get by with!
SO adorable. Squeeze him for me!
Clayton has always been sneaky. Yesterday it was SOOOO BAD- - -I had told Clayton he could NOT have a snack right before dinner. He went into my room laid on my bed and was watching TV with Cooper. I felt like lying with them for a little bit and as I was lying there, I kept getting a whiff of chocolate.
Clayton kept rolling over and hiding his face in the pillow. I finally put 2 and 2 together and realized that he had a granola bar hidden under the pillow and he was rolling over and sneaking bites WHEN I WAS LYING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM!! That was pretty brave of him- - - -stupid, but brave!!
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