Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Less Spiritual Thoughts While Running

So, sometimes when I run, I think about very little, other than getting it over with. Here are some of the thoughts I had tonight when I was out running in the upper 90 degree weather (with slight humidity, though nothing my friends in Oklahoma or other parts of the country are experiencing).

1. Definitely run after the sun is setting or before it has fully risen, when the temperature is at least 15 degrees cooler.

2. Definitely run after dinner has had plenty of time to settle or before I eat breakfast.

3. Run far away from home because the first part of the run is easy, and when it gets hard, I am motivated to get home. Not good if I am just two blocks away.

4. I hate to fail, but even more I hate to fail in front of people; thus, run with someone!!! Even my children keep me going, not because they encourage me necessarily but because no way do I want them to see me quit!!!!

Shallow, I know, but true!!! I need to get in the shower!!!!!


Mindi said...

Love it but especially #3!! I will blog about the 21 was very, well, it was amazing!

Dalene said...

Totally NOT shallow! Sometimes, it's good to set a goal that is very measureable; running is that type of goal. It gives us a sense of accomplishment, prolongs our lives, and shows our children the value of taking care of what God gave us (our bodies). Besides, it's perfectly fine to enjoy something that is VERY hard! I love reading and hearing about your thoughts! I hope you keep it up after the race!